Robert M Pope New London CT

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Archive for the month “July, 2015”

How to Get Closer with Family and Friends

The administration of the Church has allowed him to get closer to his fellow man than he ever has before. Some of man’s greatest accomplishments were things that required teamwork to produce, which is one of the many hints God leaves us in life to teach us how to live properly. One of the most amazing things about the Church is its ability to bring people together, to unify them collectively and steer them towards a similar goal. God has a reason and a plan for everything, and I learned what I needed at the precise time I needed to learn it, which is what makes God so amazing. My only wish is that I hadn’t done so earlier, and learned the grace of God when I was younger. Though your goals in life may change, the power to make it happen will always remain the same. I have now learned the power of coming together to achieve one cause, and believe the Church will be successful in its mission to spread the word so long as its members work together to do so. It is up to the Church to show communities just what they are capable of accomplishing if they work together and all have one encompassing goal to achieve.

Robert M Pope New London CT

Robert M Pope is a New London resident who now spends free time helping the Church to spread the gospel of God. He says that he has witnessed some of the most amazing accomplishments that have resulted from teamwork. He says that he has never had a more fulfilling career than his time serving the Church, as it has taught him so many things that has made him a better person.

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